The APO Center of Excellence on Public Sector Productivity
Philippine Standard Time:
Category: R&D Defense
Last 15-17 September 2021, the COE-PSP Knowledge Center ran a webinar on Innovative Thinking for Enhancing Public Sector Productivity, featuring innovation champions, Adrian Ramirez, Leanne Lozanes, Anita S. Gubalane, and Paul Vincent Avecilla.
Below is a summary and analysis of the responses gathered from the post-webinar survey, highlighting the discussion on the participant’s demographic profile and results of the assessment.
The productivity figures presented in Public Service Output, Inputs and Productivity: Education (ONS 2009) are best estimates using the most recently available data. This supporting article presents further detail on the components of output:
Section 2 reports demographic patterns over recent history
Section 3 provides extended analyses of quantity by country
Section 4 provides extended analyses of quality by country
Section 5 provides extended analyses of output by country
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) has published periodic assessments of the productivity performance of key public services. This article presents estimates for all public services collectively for the first time since the 2003 ONS article Understanding Government Output and Productivity (Pritchard, 2003).