The APO Center of Excellence on Public Sector Productivity
Philippine Standard Time:
Category: Executive and legislative organs, financial and fiscal affairs, external affairs
Last 15-17 September 2021, the COE-PSP Knowledge Center ran a webinar on Innovative Thinking for Enhancing Public Sector Productivity, featuring innovation champions, Adrian Ramirez, Leanne Lozanes, Anita S. Gubalane, and Paul Vincent Avecilla.
Below is a summary and analysis of the responses gathered from the post-webinar survey, highlighting the discussion on the participant’s demographic profile and results of the assessment.
The article presents two changes to how health output is calculated: (a) a change to the groupings of health activities; (b) a change to GP prescribing and presents the latest data for 2007, a new quality adjustment for 2006, and forecast quality adjustment for 2007, using the latest methodology (the data required for quality adjusting output for 2007 are not yet available).
Created by the cross-practice ID4D Working Group as a global data set to present the institutional arrangements, practices, and systems for civil registration and identification, e-ID, e-Passport, and business registries in 198 economies. The dataset was released in April 2015, as a part of ID4D stocktaking exercise (in spreadsheet format; including metadata and statistics worksheets). Current status of government practices are measured through 12 indicators that are updated annually.
This article provides an overview of the methodology currently used in the production of labour input measures, with a specific focus on how these affect estimates of public service productivity published by the UK Centre for the Measurement of Government Activity (UKCeMGA) in the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It reviews ongoing work to improve labour input measures within the context of both the literature and empirical work as a way of highlighting key conceptual and practical issues with existing methods and data. It provides an update of the new education direct labour input measure and an update on the implementation of the Atkinson review recommendations on the measurement of labour inputs to production. Economic & Labour Market Review (2009) 3, 52–59; doi:10.1057/elmr.2009.60
This database was created as a global dataset presenting the use of Financial Management Information Systems in publishing Open Budget Data in 198 economies (using 20 key and 20 informative indicators). The dataset was released in September 2013, as a part of the FMIS and OBD Study (FMIS and Open Budget Data: Do Governments Report on Where the Money Goes?) and is updated annually to reflect the developments since then. The dataset is being used to monitor the effects of FMIS on publishing budget execution performance, identify potential improvements in budget transparency, and provide some guidance on the effective use of FMIS platforms to publish open budget data.
This dataset was created as a part of the World Development Report (WDR) 2016 activities, to expand existing FMIS and Open Budget Data dataset by including the current status of Public Financial Management (PFM) systems and related online services, as well as the web links to relevant government web sites in 198 economies. Combined database is called “PFM Systems and e-Services†dataset and updated annually (in spreadsheet format; including metadata and statistics). The dataset includes 8 key indicators that is used to measure the status of transactional eServices in order to highlight good practices in the delivery of PFM related public services.
The Public Accountability Mechanisms (PAM) Initiative provides assessments of countries’ in-law and in-practice efforts to enhance the transparency of public administration and the accountability of public officials.
The Arab World Education Performance Indicators compiles data on education outcomes in 22 Arab States member countries in an aggregated and standardized manner. It allows users to compare the performance of each country along the following 6 important dimensions of education performance: access, equity, quality, efficiency, relevance, and Knowledge Economy readiness.
Actionable governance indicators focus on specific aspects of governance, and are designed to provide guidance on the design of reforms and the monitoring of impacts.
Doing Business provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 189 economies. Each economy is ranked according to 10 sets of indicators. These are combined into an overall “ease of doing business†ranking.