The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Military Defence and Security
Source: Center for International Government Innovation
This paper explores the development of military-specific capabilities in the context of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Building on Canadian defense policy, the paper outlines the military applications of AI and the resources needed to manage next-generation military operations, including multilateral engagement and technology governance.
Learn more about this trend at https://www.cigionline.org/publications/the-impact-of-artificial-intelligence-on-military-defence-and-security/

Korean Smart City is a Testing Ground for Robots, AR, and AI
Source: GovInsider
The Busan Eco Delta Smart City was designed to be an experimental ground for the testing and development of new tech instead of just implementing existing tech, shares Hwang. The city will introduce regulations and provide the infrastructure to support emerging tech. The Korean government is currently constructing a physical prototype of a city where businesses and researchers can test new tech. This prototype will contain functional elements, like a power grid and telecommunication network, but not lamp posts or benches, says Hwang Jong Sung, Lead Researcher of the National Information Society Agency and the former Master Planner of the city.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/agile/this-korean-smart-city-is-a-testing-ground-for-robots-ar-and-ai-hwang-jong-sung-busan/

How Singapore is Simplifying Business with Blockchain
Source: GovInsider
What is possible in 15 minutes? Some would say a quick walk around the block, brewing a fresh jug of black coffee, or reading a chapter in the book you’re excited to dive into. But for citizens in Singapore, it can take as little as 15 minutes to register a new business. ACRA’s new TrustBar platform allows the public, including potential investors, to authenticate information, such as a company’s name, directors, and office address, in real time, in business certificates and profiles. This information will be kept on the blockchain. The blockchain is a network that ensures information is up to date for all users, making any tampering or inaccuracies very unlikely.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/vision/how-singapore-is-simplifying-business-with-blockchain-acra/

Digital Evidence: How Thai Prosecutors are Keeping Up with Crime
Source: GovInsider
Data analytics can help prosecutors learn from past cases and identify trends in legal cases. A database of past legal cases will give lawyers an overview of different types of crime and identify trends such as the rate of prosecution. Additionally, it is important for prosecutors to learn from the success or failure of past cases. Detailed logs of these cases will be useful in different scenarios.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/intelligence/digital-evidence-how-thai-prosecutors-are-keeping-up-with-crime-teerat-limpayaraya/

Inside New Zealand’s Strategy for More Inclusive Digital Services
Source: GovInsider
New Zealand has big lessons on inclusion for the world. The nation is bringing inclusivity into its digital policies. Even as the government looks towards revolutionary tech such as AI, some citizens are being left behind. Around 20 percent of New Zealanders face challenges with digital exclusion, reveals Paul James, Chief Digital Officer.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/security/inside-new-zealands-strategy-for-more-inclusive-digital-services-paul-james/

Innovation by the Sea: How Small Island Developing States are Combating Climate Change
Source: GovInsider
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have borne the brunt of the climate crisis for many years, despite contributing little to it. Yet, they are showing significant ambition and commitment to transformation. The island states are turning to their marine environment, renewable energy, and digital innovation to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/insights/innovation-by-the-sea-how-small-island-developing-states-are-combating-climate-change-undp-riad-meddeb/

Malaysia’s AI Park is Driving Innovations in Agriculture and Health
Source: GovInsider
Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology and Innovation’s (MRANTI) latest addition is the AI Park, where various facilities WILL support the testing and development of AI-enabled technology. The sustainable urban farming facility aims to drive acceleration and adoption of AI in the agriculture sector. The organization supported Phytopia, a social enterprise that helps small farmers grow sustainable produce. Farmers connect to an app that will tell them exactly how much water is needed for their crops to thrive. This has led to higher yields of vegetables while using up to 98 percent less water than traditional farming methods, Eden Green technology reported.
Learn more about this trend at https://govinsider.asia/innovation/how-malaysias-ai-park-is-driving-innovations-in-agriculture-and-health/

Accelerating Cloud Adoption in Public Healthcare in Asia Pacific
Source: Southeast Asia Development Solutions
To better understand the challenges and opportunities in digital healthcare adoption, think tank ACCESS Health International and Amazon Web Services (AWS) thought leadership and executive education program for public sector executives AWS Institute interviewed 39 policymakers, healthcare chief information officers (CIOs), chief medical informatics officers (CMIOs), and digital health experts to understand government and industry perspectives on cloud adoption for public healthcare. The findings are presented in the Overcoming Barriers to Cloud Adoption in Public Healthcare in the Asia-Pacific report, released by AWS and ACCESS Health.
Learn more about this trend at https://seads.adb.org/solutions/accelerating-cloud-adoption-public-healthcare-asia-pacific