This case study examined government employees’ productivity as they adopt various types of alternative work arrangements during the COVID-19 community quarantine period using an online survey and focus group discussion as data gathering methods. Results showed that regardless of the type of alternative work arrangements adopted, the self-perceived productivity and efficiency of government employees remain satisfactory during the pandemic-induced lockdown. While the findings alluded to government agencies’ agility and resiliency in maintaining their productivity amid a crisis and using alternative work setups, additional support and re-calibration of existing policies and guidelines are needed to safeguard employee safety and ensure organizational productivity within the foreseeable future.
Category: Public Sector Innovation Frameworks
The administration started its term with a clear focus on environmental issues facing the country. Given that climate change was a major issue, the mining industry was at the limelight due to the heavy damages that the industry purportedly caused. Mining audits closed or suspended a lot of the operating mines while the audits were being done, and contributed to the decline in contribution to the national economy.
Tourism was one of industries that was identified by the National Economic Development Authority as drivers of inclusive growth. Tourism has grown steadily from 2008 to 2018, from 3.14 million to 7.13 million, averaging 8% growth rate per year.
The study looks at why development in the RE Sector is not meeting its targets. The objectives of the study are to look at where and how Government Regulations are overlapping, duplicating and redundancies occur and to come up with recommendations to address these concerns.
The review on the transportation sector regulatory environment, the Development Academy of the Philippines’ Modernizing Government Regulatory (MGR) Study Team conducted 1) key informants interviews (KIIs) from representatives of the transportation sector, 2) perception survey, and 3) documents review and media audit.
Case studies of KM applications in public-sector organizations in India, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Singapore (two), and Thailand, accompanied by an explanation of the APO public-sector KM framework.
The Asian Productivity Organization (APO) has had a major focus on improving public sector productivity (PSP) since 2009. This means achieving efficient performance using limited government resources. Generally, it is about ensuring value for taxpayers’ money since public resources largely come from taxes. A PSP Program framework was developed allowing the APO and its 19 National Productivity Organizations to adopt a coordinated approach to promoting innovation and productivity in the public sector in the short, medium, and long terms.
This report encapsulates the learning from the First Public-sector Performance Study Mission in Europe from 27 September to 2 October 2015 and makes recommendations to the APO. The mission visited Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, and Luxembourg and was facilitated by: Terry Pilcher (Partner), BCS Management Services (UK); Patrick Staes (Belgian Seconded National Expert), Nick Thjjs (Senior Lecturer), and Ann Stoffels (Senior Program Assistant), Common Assessment Framework (CAF) Resource Centre, European Institute for Public Administration (EIPA); and Bruce Searles and Anton Benc (Directors), Benchmarking Partnerships (Asia/Pacific). The study mission was attended by delegates from Fiji, Mongolia, the Philippines (including the APO Center of Excellence on PSP), and Singapore.