In the Philippines, remittances from both domestic and international sources has continued to grow at a steady pace for the past few years and this trend is expected to last with sustained local and international migration.

The administration started its term with a clear focus on environmental issues facing the country. Given that climate change was a major issue, the mining industry was at the limelight due to the heavy damages that the industry purportedly caused. Mining audits closed or suspended a lot of the operating mines while the audits were being done, and contributed to the decline in contribution to the national economy.

The study looks at why development in the RE Sector is not meeting its targets. The objectives of the study are to look at where and how Government Regulations are overlapping, duplicating and redundancies occur and to come up with recommendations to address these concerns.

Health regulation is one of the vital components of the Philippines health system. The health system is a broad umbrella term, which includes the formalized health care systems, which are formalized; legally regulated financing; and the provision of health (medical) services, inclusive of preventive, curative and palliative interventions provided by trained health personnel.

The review on the transportation sector regulatory environment, the Development Academy of the Philippines’ Modernizing Government Regulatory (MGR) Study Team conducted 1) key informants interviews (KIIs) from representatives of the transportation sector, 2) perception survey, and 3) documents review and media audit.

Among other factors, a country’s economic growth is propelled by sustainable agriculture, business, industrial and manufacturing activities, and increased productivity of the services sector. In the recent past (2015-2017), the Philippines attained 6 to 7 percent annual growth rate as reported by its Central Bank; but being an oil-importing country from which power is mostly generated, its economic expansion fluctuated in 2018 due to oil price increases.

Logistics is the part of the supply chain involving the physical movement of goods, services, cash, and information. It includes inbound and outbound transportation, material handling, warehousing, inventory, order fulfillment and distribution, third party logistics, and reverse logistics (Stevenson and Sum, 2014). Logistics also includes the storage of raw materials, work-in-process inventories, and finished good.

Decent and affordable shelter has been the long-time goal of the Philippine government as stipulated in the 1987 Constitution, its subscription to the attainment of safe, resilient, and sustainable human settlements which is one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Housing goal is again reiterated in the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022. Presently, the country’s housing need is estimated at six (6) million units and it is projected to increase to 12.5 million by 2030.

This report covers the regulatory review findings for the year 2018 on five (5) priority industries namely: 1) chemicals, 2) housing, 3) logistics, 4) power, and 5) the transportation industries. Relative to ease of doing business (EODB), the review aimed at streamlining unnecessary regulations and reducing documentary requirements and business fees exacted by both the national regulatory agencies as well as by the local government units (LGUs).

This guidebook is meant for NPOs aiming to introduce a business excellence (BE) model or awards for the public sector or to enhance their existing schemes. The importance of BE models is introduced through a series of questions and answers, followed by information on promoting and adopting BE and setting up an award process. The final of seven chapters explores how NPOs undertake BE initiatives in the all-important public sector.