Proponent Agency

Department of Science and Technology – Cordillera Administrative Region


26-30 October 2020


Learning and Development

General Description

A rehabilitated space where learning, development, and experimentation are encouraged, the environment will be equipped with facilities that encourage critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration. Knowledge management and facilitation features are expected to capacitate individuals of innovation concepts and insights. Innospace will be an establishment that houses the Innovation Laboratory of DOST-CAR.

Project Background

Being at the forefront of technology and development, The Department of Science and Technology (DOST) aims to continually adapt to the times. Even before the pandemic, the organization has been experiencing a challenge with capacitating individuals due to the changing demands and trends of the innovation landscape. Aside from the migration of talent, senior executives and new team members are having difficulty updating their skills and keeping up with the trends.

Thus Innospace is meant to create a learning hub for DOST team members. This is also meant to be a space where players outside the organization can collaborate, learn and ideate.

Potential Impact

  1. Top-to-bottom capability building.
  2. Creation of a venue for collaboration and ideation activities.
  3. Learning hub for internal and external stakeholders.
  4. Continuous updating with trends.

Project Features

  1. Learning and Development Program: The facility will be integrated into the learning and development program of the organization.
  2. Benchmarking- Best practices will also be featured as a reference in learning and ideation.
  3. Dialogue Facility: Focused Group Discussions, Brainstorming, Coaching, and Mentoring are just some activities that may be integrated into the facility and its programs.
  4. Balik Expert Program – Innospace also has a program with previous organization experts. Aside from giving them a new space to showcase their expertise, an incentive program will be developed for returning experts.

Project Milestones

  1. Prototype Enhancement – 3-13 November 2020
  2. Presentation to Technical Assessment Committee – 4 December 2020
  3. Project Approval – 15 January 2021
  4. Project Mobilization – 1 February 2021, onwards

Innovation Team

Name: Innogorots

Innovation Champion: Max Bernard
Innovation Manager: Rodel Banny

Team Members:

  1. Mark Denus
  2. Hansi Dinumla
  3. Ralf Sapi-il
  4. Aubrey Gabriel