The implementation of the Service Framework for Education and Rehabilitation is an initiative of the LGU of Carmona to respond to the needs of persons with disability (PWDs) within the locality. It is a system that guides the LGU in the holistic development of PWDs from surveillance and detection to job placement. The service framework was specifically designed based on the needs of PWDs.
Background and Problem
In order to achieve its vision, the LGU of Carmona needs to empower all of its citizenry which includes the PWDs, a marginalized sector within the locality whose opportunity barriers are more frequent and have a greater impact to their lives. The physical environment, lack of relevant assistive technology, negative attitudes of people towards disability, and services, systems, and policies that are either nonexistent or that hinder the involvement of PWDs are the major barriers that need to be conquered by the LGU.
Solution and Impact
The implementation of the said framework is a unique initiative by the local government. It is considered an innovative means of responding to the needs of PWDs. It was acquired not only to comply with the mandates of the national government but to provide a comprehensive approach in changing the lives of PWDs. What makes it more unique is that it was tailor-fitted on the needs of the PWDs in the municipality which makes it more effective. The implementation of the service framework helped the LGU in realizing its desire to promote equal opportunity for everybody including the marginalized sector of PWDs. It has opened a broad opportunity for the LGU to build a community inclusive for all in order to attain its vision. Through the successful implementation of the practice, the program for PWDs has received various awards such as the 2008 Presidential Award for Child Friendly Municipalities and Cities, 2008 Apolinario Mabini Awards (LGU of the Year); 2009 Outstanding SPED Center (Regional Winner); 2009 Presidential Lingkod Bayan Award; and 2015 Apolinario Mabini Awards (LGU of the Year).
The service framework was implemented by 36 personnel of the LGU’s Persons with Disability Affairs Office (PDAO) who manages a total of 1,105 persons as of August 2017 with different disabilities (168 center-based and 937 community-based). The service framework involves eight components which include the following:
- Surveillance and Detection
- Diagnosis and Referral
- Early Intervention Program
- SPED Tutorial Program
- Bridging Program
- Normalization Program
- Adaptive Skills Program
- Entrepreneurial Program
In order to effectively implement the program components, the LGU provides complete facilities at the center. Personnel are also provided with seminar and trainings to upgrade their capabilities.