The National Wages and Productivity Commission (NWPC) is using advanced technologies to educate more workers and businesses regarding the incentives, labor standards, and work practices which affect productivity and wages. The use of online platforms and new technologies is helping NWPC reach more of their stakeholders.
The digitization of learning sessions has helped in disseminating information on labor, wages, and productivity. From having face-to-face learning sessions before the pandemic, NWPC managed to adapt to modern processes by conducting online training sessions for a more productive and efficient mode of learning. Digital learning sessions were more accessible and productive through this innovative practice.
The NWPC used to have difficulty in ensuring the sustainability of conducting online sessions and adjusting to new technologies. Intermittent internet connection, lack of technical assistance, and outdated technology significantly impacted learning. The lack of access to tools and technology made it difficult for users to attain a more effortless learning operation. The clients experienced long queues and tedious form processing, which resulted in a limited number of participants. Resource inefficiency was one of the main problems in sustaining a practical learning session.
To solve the challenge of effectively and efficiently delivering sessions, NWPC modernized their learning systems while sustaining their advocacy to help workers. Social platforms and redesigned modules allowed the department to create a smooth process and accessible learning platforms.
Transitioning to online delivery of sessions helped NWPC do more with less. Resource efficiency was attained through better connection and allocation of funds. The registration and evaluation process became more accessible and the office gained broader engagement. The use of online platforms like Zoom significantly improved, gaining wider client reach and enhancing advocacy activities.
Productivity Gains, Outcomes, and Impact
This productivity good practice of NWPC has resulted in positive outcomes and productive measures. The transition from face-to-face to online modality made this practice accessible to a wider client reach and ensured safer learning conduct. This practice significantly resulted in improved learning sessions, more efficient resources and developed modified learning materials. As a way forward, NWPC helped to enhance the client experience and expanded advocacy activities.
The webinar modules were redesigned to fit the practices and facilitate the transition to the new normal. The transition to online learning resulted in more organizational opportunities like an increased number of clients and satisfaction. The access and collection of data improved due to the revamped registration and evaluation forms which made the client feedback more successful. Through the innovation of the learning process, the advocacies gained more promotions and exposure in different digital platforms. Through the digital transition, the department aims to implement an online interbank payment system and to shift to a blended format to make transactions easier.
Lessons Learned and Challenges in Implementing the Intervention
While digital learning sessions significantly improved the department’s productivity, NWPC also faced challenges during the implementation of the new system. Some of these challenges include intermittent internet connection, Zoom fatigue, and competing webinars. To address these challenges, the department worked to fix its internet connection by providing communication allowances and assigning technical staff. To enhance participant engagement, the department also aims to upgrade Zoom subscriptions while promoting its advocacy.
Another challenge encountered was the adjustment of staff to implement the digital system. The challenge included allocating more training and technical assistance to support staff. Moving forward in sustaining and improving the system, the department looks forward to allocating a budget for communication, enhancing customer experience, expanding advocacy activities, and prioritizing program and digital transformation.
Design Sprint Worksheet- NPWC (2022). [Online].
DOLE website (N.D). https://nwpc.dole.gov.ph/press_room/nwpc-learning-sessions-in-the-next-normal/
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