Title of Productivity and Innovation Initiative
Project iComSys (Integrated Community Information System)
Implementing Agency
Municipal Government of Libertad, Antique
Year Implemented
Digitization & New Technologies, and Government of the Future
General Description
Project iComSys or the Integrated Community Information System is a data management system locally created, operated, maintained, and utilized by the Libertad LGU. This has helped shape its development and make the people the center of its governance. Project iComSys utilizes a cloud-based system responsible for collecting, managing, and utilizing databases for the respective communities. It is also concerned with the maintenance of a data banking system.
Background and Problem
The Libertad LGU has always struggled with storing, accessing, and managing the community’s data and information. Due to the lack of a system, developing programs and projects to make it more targeted is challenging because they do not have the database to identify the population that urgently needs support and assistance.
In 2016, the new administration of Mayor Mary Jean Nicopior-Te had to run a local government with an inferior data management system. The LGU depended on the PSA data, which only comes every five years, and thus planning indicators were derived from years-old records. The development planner had no choice but to use unvalidated data, while barangays relied on poor municipal records. This situation meant that decision-makers were provided with incomplete and incorrect data, resulting in poor planning and budgeting, ineffective program implementation, and inefficient local governance.
Confronted with these realities, the incumbent local chief executive was determined to change the system and established a database system that is reliable, user-friendly, accessible, updated, and secure.
Solution and Impact
The Libertad LGU acknowledged the importance of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and started to look for experts in the said field capable of developing a system. Due to its past difficulty, the municipality considered creating a system where they can store, manage, and quickly access the data of the community. These needs led to the introduction of Project iComSys in 2019.

Project iComSys has since served as an efficient and effective tool for the municipality. It is used to gather and organize data on population, education, livelihood programs, and projects to make accurate analysis more accessible with just a simple click. Even the municipality’s map for planning and decision-making has become more accessible. Moreover, the system has motivated the municipality to continue delivering quality services to its constituents since they have a database system that serves as guidance to target the vulnerable population. The intervention was implemented from 2019 to the present. This was through a municipal executive order creating the team and implementing the Project iComSys.

The population data generated by the project was also used to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of the Social Amelioration Program (SAP) of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) during the COVID-19 community quarantine measures. Through Project IComSys, the LGU was able to identify the number of households per barangay, rank them according to economic status, prioritize eligible beneficiaries for SAP, post the data on the barangay and bulletin board for the people to see, and deliver the aid to the household beneficiaries. As not all households were qualified, the LGU provided one sack of rice and one tray of eggs to those who were not SAP beneficiaries.

The data management system is also at the forefront of monitoring the accomplishment of the barangay vaccination rollout. The municipal health office can identify the number of vaccinated citizens by age and gender and also monitor how many have received the first, second, and booster doses. With better information and a clearer picture of the barangays, leaders and the municipal IATF can easily plan, identify specific issues and concerns, implement better solutions, and devise a well-targeted communication plan.
In the recent distribution of cash aid for typhoon Odette, it took less than ten days to finalize the list and distribute the cash to 100% of the households in the municipality. This is because of the utilization of the population data in Project iComSys.
During the annual Digital Governance Awards 2020, the Municipality of Libertad, Antique, was recognized for Project iComSys, and declared the 2nd placer under the category Best in eGOV Interoperability (G2G) Award. The category commends the efforts of LGUs in establishing a system that connects the data with both national and local government offices to enhance public service delivery and the benefit of their constituents.
DICT. (2020, December 18). Excellence in local ICT solutions recognized at DGA 2020. GOVPH. https://dict.gov.ph/excellence-in-local-ict-solutions-recognized-at-dga-2020/
Mayor Bebot Nicopior-Te. (2020, November 09). Digital Governance Awards [Facebook status update]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/mayorbebotte/posts/digital-governance-awardsnag-intra-ang-aton-banwa-bilang-entry-sa-2020-digital-g/2511934025598264/
Mayor Bebot Nicopior-Te. (2020, December 20). Digital Governance Awards 2020 [Facebook status update]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/mayorbebotte/posts/2588746131250386?comment_id=2588797914578541