Bukidnon State University
Best Practice Focus Area/s
Leadership, Citizens / Customers, Operations
Year Implemented
15 August 2008
This is a GBPR entry
Bukidnon State University, as one of the premier institutions in higher education, maintains a quality service for the satisfaction of its stakeholders. To achieve transparency in the service, open communication through the Brace D’ Link program is being practiced in the university. It is known as “Student’s Day with the Administration,” designed to strengthen the communication between the students and the administration. This program started through the initiative of University President Dr. Oscar B. Cabañelez, then the Vice-President for Administration, Planning, and Development of Bukidnon State University (formerly Bukidnon State College) in 2008 and was conducted every semester. He envisioned the link between the students and the administration. The program became an avenue of discussion, improving the quality of services, setting up state-of-the-art facilities, and establishing infrastructures.
Background and Problem
Communication strengthens the relationship among members of any society. A strong society performs its tasks and hits its goal. Transparency of operation in any organization promotes an orderly system and trust among the administrators, staff, and students.
In line with the survey results, a mechanism for open communication between the administration, academe, and students was initiated to address concerns at Bukidnon State University. Unit heads of the various frontline and student services are to present their respective tasks. An open forum will follow the presentation. University officials may also give some inputs that would clarify the answers to some concerns.
- Evaluation of the conduct of the Brace d’ Link Program
- Analysis of issues, problems, and concerns raised, and responses were given on these during the Brace d’ Link Programs
- Identify the impact on the administration and the students
- Present the functions and workflow of the different administrative offices
- Strengthen the relationship among the Administrative Unit Heads, Academic Unit Heads, and the Students in the university

Solution and Impact
As a solution, the Brace D’Link program employs three major parts: the presentation of the office functions and responsibilities by the different administrative unit heads, followed by the raising of problems and concerns with specific suggestions/recommendations from the student leader or students and the conveying or relating to the students the actions/plans taken by the administration on the particular issues raised. This is participated in by the different administrative units, including the Finance Office, the Human Resource Management Office, the Chief Administrative Office, the ICT-Services Unit, the Supply Office, the Academic Units like the Office of the Student Services, the Registrar, Libraries and the College Deans from the different colleges – College of Arts and Science, College of Business, College of Nursing, College of Social Development and Technology. Meanwhile, students are represented by the Supreme Student Council (SSC) Officers, the Student Body Organization of the different colleges, and all university students.
For the presentation of office functions and responsibilities, each unit head is given three (3) minutes to explain one’s tasks. Brochures or handouts could be distributed to the participants for a better understanding of the functions, and a PowerPoint presentation may also be used. The Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) acts as a moderator and presents the mechanics for a smooth forum. The participants are expected to listen attentively and are discouraged from interrupting the official delivering the talk. All questions or points for clarification should be raised during the second part of the program, which is raising the issues or concerns.
For the mechanics of how to raise issues and concerns, questions are limited to the topics presented. Other matters may be raised in the latter part of the program if time permits. The proponent shall first be properly acknowledged before being given the floor to raise questions. The proponent will only be allowed to raise a maximum of two (2) questions to give a chance to other participants to raise their questions. The proponent shall address the person to whom a question is directed. Questions that cannot be raised on the floor and cannot be answered by any speaker due to lack of time will have to be written on the sheet of paper to be given by the Supreme Student Council officers. For written questions, participants must indicate their name, college, and course on the paper with the questions, with the name of the person to whom the questions are directed. The sheets will be collected and collated by the SSC officers and will be sent to the concerned speakers. Answers to the written questions will also be gathered and printed to form part of the Brace D’ Link documents, which will be the basis for administrative actions.
For the third part of the program, which is the conveyance of the actions taken, the moderator/speakers will convey to the participants the actions taken and the administration’s plans on the issues/concerns raised. Any participant may also be allowed to provide comments and suggestions to the presenters for a maximum of two (2) minutes.
Milestones/Next Steps
It is noted that the Brace D’ Link has facilitated open communications between students and the administration from 2008 up to the present. The program has been remarkably noted as one of the best practices of Bukidnon State University. This has been confirmed during the accreditation process undertaken by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines, Inc. (AACCUP, Inc.), and recommended it to continue. Aside from that, based on the Evaluation Report gathered after the program, students affirmed the continuous implementation of Brace D’ Link.