
Camarines Norte State College

Best Practice Focus Area/s

Strategy; Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management; Operations

Year Implemented

9 January 2018

This is a Recognized Best Practice


This project/system provides a solution to the current concerns of Camarines Norte State College System in its “budget-planning” process and reporting system. It aims to prevent non-conformity to the requirements of interested external parties like the NEDA, CHED, and DBM. Initially, the system was used by the Institutional Planning and Development Office (IPDO) in the budget-planning process to promote ease, accuracy, and timeliness in the preparation of budget reports. In the development process, ease of use and accuracy were among the factors that were hypothesized to affect the timeliness and directly correlate with productivity.

The project started in the Institutional Planning and Development Office, which is responsible for consolidating budget plans of the Nine (9) delivery units of the CNSC system. Today, the eBPPro is being used by these delivery units in their respective budget preparations. The E-BPPro has ensured the alignment of the budget to the institutional development plans, the performance indicators set by CHED, and the requirements of DBM. With this, CNSC was able to meet the Budget Utilization Target, and in 2019, it qualified for the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) after several years of non-compliance. The e-BPPro is now being reprogrammed to make it available to other State Universities and Colleges for their budget planning activities.

Background and Problem

Since the creation of Camarines Norte State College, the budget planning process has been conducted traditionally. The budget proposal was constantly subjected to changes and modifications, and the budget process usually takes six (6) to eight (8) months before getting finalized. Because of ceaseless modifications, the budget became prone to double entries, lost documents (some Programs, Projects and Activities, and Purchase Requests were nowhere to be found), and even the project titles differed when submitted to oversight agencies. This practice led to difficulties in meeting the budget utilization targets and availing of the Performance-Based Bonus, which has become elusive for the college.

Before, preparing the budget always entails high costs—on food, transport, and personal days of the Deans/Directors and other staff. The college is exposed to expenses and opportunity/productivity costs whenever a planning session is scheduled. The Institutional Planning and Development Office and the Budget Office have had a recurring issue for the past years on the “delayed” submission and multiple revisions of Annual Procurement Plans, Project Procurement Management Plans, and Total Operating Budgets. Changes in Purchase/Procurement Requests and other intervening requests for funds usually occur, resulting in repetitious modification of plans which, on the other hand, cause delayed implementation of projects and low budget utilization.

Solution and Impact

Before developing the Electronic Budget Planning Process Application System (e-BPPro), the plans for funding are typically a product of current priorities and the discretion of the end-users. They are not aligned with the college’s long-term goals and performance criteria. During the “cramming period,” budget plans are recycled. These were some of the difficulties in the past that the application could address.

This project also addressed the factors affecting the budget-planning process and has prepared budget plans that are user-friendly, accessible, accurate, and with a real-time feature of consolidating reports. The new system has also contributed to saving precious time and resources and increasing productivity which is the project’s primordial attribute regarding its users, the Deans, Directors, and the external parties (that require the budget information or reports).

The immediate outcome of using this application system includes the following:

  1. Cutting down the budget planning process from eight (8) months to three (3) days,
  2. Making the preparation faster from a couple of weeks to one day (of encoding)
  3. Preparation of the report in a snapshot from a couple of hours
  4. Providing accurate computation of income and projected expenses, and just recently, even the preparation of procurement requests

The common purpose is to meet immediate needs. This scenario happened because the budget plan was previously open to usual changes and “deadline” decisions. With the Electronic Budget Planning Process Application (e-BPPro), the following aspects have been resolved:

  1. Factors causing delays in preparing and submitting budget plans (APP, PPMP, PR, and TOB) have been addressed. From the average of 219 hours of actual time spent preparing the budget, it was cut down to eight (8) hours.
  2. Preparing the annual budget and all its entailing reports was significantly reduced from Php 556,800.00 to Php 67,200.00.
  3. Because of the real-time generation of reports, budget analysis, realignment, and adjustment became easier for the budget office;
  4. Early procurement of supplies and materials was made possible; thus, the College was able to meet the requirements of both GPPB and AO25 for PBB;
  5. The budget is now more accurate, timely, standardized, and consistent with CHED’s approved plans and performance indicators.

Milestones/Next Steps

In early 2018, the project started as a research proposal to determine the issues affecting the budget planning process of Camarines Norte State College. System analysis and development of the Electronic Budget Planning Process were conducted. The system has earned the interests of other State Universities and Colleges, which indicates its potential as a best practice for collaboration and replication. During the last Quarter of 2018, the Institutional Planning and Development Office implemented the system as a budget planning tool for the consolidation of Program, Projects, and Activities (PPAs) and the Project Procurement Monitoring Plan (PPMPs) of CNSC’s nine (9) delivery units.

In the First Quarter of 2019, the application was used by all the delivery units for their respective budget planning process with the inclusion of the Total Operating Budget (TOB) Report, Consolidated Annual Procurement Plan (APPs), and the generation of Purchase Requests PRs). In early 2020, the General Administrative and Support Services was included, transforming it into an integrated system and no longer a stand-alone tool for IPDO when conceptualized.

For the past three years, the system contributed to realizing the Capital Outlay targets of Camarines Norte State College, qualifying it as one of the top-funded State Universities and Colleges in the Bicol Region and among the highest in the country. Notably, in 2018, CNSC became eligible for the Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) grant.


Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale

Best Practice Focus Area/s

Leadership, Strategy, Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management

Year Implemented

Approved on 21 November 2016, and implemented on 17 January 2017

This is a Recognized Best Practice


The Barangay Empowerment, Synergy, and Transparency (BEST) program was approved under Municipal Ordinance Number 17 Series of 2016 and is known as the “BEST Program” of the Municipality of Paracale. The BEST Program is an initiative of the Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale that aims to strengthen the competency of barangays in undertaking their legislative functions. The program equips barangay officials of the 27 barangays of Paracale, particularly the newly elected members, with the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in legislative processes, craft responsive legislations and regulatory policies, therefore becoming advocates of good governance.

Background and Problem

The Sanggunian Bayan of Paracale, headed by its Presiding Officer and Vice Mayor, is aware that our country needs a competent government leader to promote public welfare, especially at the grassroots level. Also, there must be barangay leaders capable of discharging their functions and can assume the duties and responsibilities of a barangay official. A barangay official must be knowledgeable, effective, and well-equipped, especially in crafting relevant legislation to improve the delivery of basic social services and uplift a community’s quality of life.

However, there is a common perception that most people who run for political positions are merely influenced by their family members who were traditional politicians or rose to fame and won the election solely because of popularity and not competency. This is why the Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale conceptualizes the BEST Program to strengthen barangay legislative functions by capacitating barangay officials, especially the newly elected members, to participate in legislative sessions, craft responsive, responsive responses to legislators and regulatory policies, therefore becoming advocates of good governance.

Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale headed by Vice Mayor Bernadette Asutilla conducting Barangay Orientation on the Field of Legislation to different barangays of Paracale to strengthen barangay legislation functions.

Solution and Impact

One of the main problems with the barangay system of governance is its leader’s incompetence, which stems from insufficient academic qualifications and legislative and parliamentary procedures. Thus, matters such as legislative action that could contribute to barangay development are not immediately carried out or done poorly. The BEST Program aims to orient and prepare the newly elected officials of the barangay to face and overcome the challenges of leading the smallest political government unit toward improving the lives of its people and developing the countryside.

To increase and strengthen the skills of the barangay officials, the Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale is conducting a three-phase mechanism/program in every barangay:

  1. Symposium/Forum on Barangay Legislation – a two-day seminar focusing on legislative functions, parliamentary rules, and adherence to local government laws.
  2. Sesyon sa Barangay – the Regular Sangguniang Bayan Session is held in barangays to observe the actual proper conduct of the session and the processes of passing and approving ordinances and resolutions.
  3. Outstanding Sangguniang Barangay Award – the search for Outstanding Barangay Award serves as an annual evaluation and appraisal of performance in every barangay.

The success of this program depends on the support and cooperation of the Sangguniang Barangay leader, continuing support from the Sangguniang Bayan, and the Local Government Unit of Paracale.

Milestones/Next Steps

Since the creation of the BEST Program on 21 November 2016 and its implementation the following year, the Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale BEST Program was recognized by the Vice Mayors’ League of the Philippines Camarines Norte Chapter and was awarded the Best Practice in the Field of Legislation 2018. Only the Sangguniang Bayan of Paracale has been honored with such recognition in the Province of Camarines Norte.


Bukidnon State University

Best Practice Focus Area/s

Leadership, Human Resource

Year Implemented


This is a GBPR finalist entry


In its pursuit of organizational growth and teacher development, Bukidnon State University forged partnerships with Teacher Education Institutions in the country through the National Network of Normal Schools (3NS). The partnership continuously endeavors to champion teacher development based on international standards. This partnership has sprouted several projects in research, teacher training, curriculum development, and student exchange program. Among which is the Curriculum Quality Audit for Pre-Service Teacher Education Curriculum, the 3NS Normalite Program, the PNU-DOST-3NS Teacher Training for DOST Scholars, Bicol University as Environmental Education Learning Resource Center of the 3NS, Development of PPST-Based Prototype Syllabi in Priority Areas in Teacher Education, Development of DepED-CHED Joint Policy on Pre-Service Teachers’ Field Study and Student Internship Experiences. Aside from networking with the 3NS, the College of Education is also linked with the Teacher Education Council, State Universities and Colleges Teacher Educators Association, the Department of Education, and schools in Thailand.

Background and Problem

Optimizing Networks for Teacher Education Development seeks to adequately prepare Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers for the 21st-century learning environments by providing a well-crafted curriculum, teacher training, professional linkages, research engagement, and varied clinical experiences for student interns.

The K to 12 reform has resulted in higher education institutions. The Pre-Service Teacher Education curriculum has to transition to the new curriculum Quality Assurance requirements compelled the college to embark on this partnership. Various challenges and needs were addressed through the 3NS led by PNU and the RCTQ. One challenging aspect to address is conformity to professional standards and industry requirements. Teacher Education graduates must manifest the Beginning Teacher Indicators of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST), which is expected by public and private schools where they are employed.

Solution and Impact

Optimizing Network for Teacher Education Development (ONETED) is a name coined after the practice and approach of the College of Education, establishing linkages and making the best out of opportunities offered or called upon by other academic agencies or organizations. The practice starts with looking at the mandates, quality assurance requirements, and program outcomes. In so doing, the college identified the needs and determined the quality objectives.

On the institutional or micro level, these linkages have created divergent pathways for the continual improvement of the College of Education, benefiting the pre-service and in-service teachers. This linkage has spread internationally through the Summer Thai Teacher Training Program. However, on the macro level, this convergence has contributed much to human resource development through various capability-building initiatives and the crafting of syllabi aligned with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers now utilized by various TEIs. With ONeTED, the College of Education was able to gain achievements in the following areas:

  1. Compendium of PPST-Based Prototype Syllabi – The compendium resulted from developing PPST-based Prototype Syllabi for Priority Areas in Teacher Education. Teachers for the College of Arts and Sciences teaching the specialization courses served as reviewers of the curriculum materials in Social Studies, English, Filipino, Math, and Science. Meanwhile, teachers of the Professional Studies reviewed curriculum materials for Physical Education, Early Childhood Education, Professional Education, and Elementary Education.
  2. Audited Pre-Service Teacher Education Curriculum – There was a series of training for lead curriculum specialists given by the RCTQ. All the COE faculty and the teachers handling education subjects from the College of Arts and Sciences participated in the training on basic and differentiated audit and other auditing tools. Moreover, two CQA workshops were held in 2017.
  3. Approved PPST-aligned Outcomes-based Syllabi in the College of Education’s Professional Education courses.
  4. The 3NS Normalite Program
  5. Completed Research with the Bicol University as Environmental Learning Resource Center of the National Network of Normal Schools
  6. Training of Newly Hired Teachers of the Department of Education under R. A. 10162 – Held on 23-26 Apri 2019, Bukidnon State University through the 3NS partnered with Western Mindanao State University to train Science and Mathematics teachers on Instructional Planning, 21st-century Teaching, 21st Century Assessment, among others.
  7. Development of a Joint Policy on Pre-Service Teachers’ Field Study and Teaching Internship Experience – BukSU sent faculty to craft the PSTePT Framework together with faculty from other teacher education institutions.
  8. Research on the implementation of Curriculum Quality Audit – A research titled “Exploring the Implementation of Curriculum Quality Audit in a Philippine State University” was conducted to investigate the implementation of CQA and was presented during the 19th Southeast Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) Annual Conference at National Taipei University of Education, Taiwan.
  9. COE faculty trained Thai teachers from Anuban Chonburi School in English, Science, and Math during 2014-2017.

Milestones/Next Steps

The hallmark of a university is research. University professors are obliged to conduct research in order to improve people’s lives and society. With the partnership with Bicol University, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and the 3NS, COE faculty could research the mainstreaming of environmental education in the Teacher Education Curriculum.

  1. The 3NS, of which Bukidnon State University is a member, is an innovation among normal schools in the country. This network started in 2012 during the administration of Dr. Victor M. Barroso, University President, and Dr. Oscar B. Cabańelez, Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  2. Australia Awards Fellowship – In 2018, Dr. Oscar B. CabaÅ„elez and other presidents of the 3NS were recipients of the Australia Awards Fellowship at the University of New England, New South Wales, Australia.
  3. Recognition of Curriculum Specialists and CQA Partners – Held in May 2018 at Tryp Hotel, Manila, the event recognized schools involved in the CQA process.
  4. As a Center of Development in Teacher Education, the College of Education received a P1.2 million grant for Continuing Professional Education on the New Teacher Education Curriculum in October 2018.
  5. The partnership with 3NS has resulted in more projects for teacher development, such as the Training of Newly-Hired Teachers under RA 10162 in April 2019. BukSU collaborated with WMSU in this endeavor. BukSU was actively involved in the basic education reform, serving as a service provider for the 2013 to 12 training. Teachers from Anuban Chonburi, Thailand, came to BukSU during the summers of 2014-2017 to be trained in English, Science, and Math.

Implementing Agency: 

City Government of Valenzuela

Year Implemented: 

12 March 2020 – 8 June 2020; 29 March 2021 – 12 April 2021


Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

As the number of COVID-19 cases were beginning to rise in March 2020, the City Government of Valenzuela adopted City Ordinance No. 669, otherwise known as the Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying Ordinance of 2020. This was done to limit the maximum number of each particular product that may be purchased per consumer, thus preventing the hoarding of essential goods and ensuring that more people have access to them.

Background and Problem

Crises and disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and supertyphoons have triggered panic buying sprees among the Filipino public in the past, and in early March 2020 it seemed that this would also be the case for the COVID-19 pandemic. Hoarding was also evident in other countries as well during this period, leading to shortages in essential supplies such as canned goods, toiletries, and even toilet paper. While the items were purchased legally and not looted or stolen, this practice nonetheless deprives other citizens of the goods they need for themselves and their families. 

Solution and Impact 

President Rodrigo Duterte signed Proclamation No. 922 on 8 March 2020, declaring a public health emergency and enjoining all national agencies and local government units to mobilize the necessary resources to undertake the urgent and appropriate measures to address the looming crisis. Just days later on 12 March, the Valenzuela City Council passed the Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying Ordinance authored by 1st District Councilor Rovin Feliciano and sponsored by 2nd District Councilor Kim Galang-Tiangco.

The ordinance prevented consumers from buying excessive amounts of essential commodities and temporarily limited the number of each specific item that private consumers can purchase. Operators of retail businesses such as sari-sari stores would need to present their business permit before they could avail of bulk purchases for the products that their businesses would carry.

Prior to the adoption and implementation of the ordinance, the City Government conducted public consultations with barangay officials, representatives from retail establishments and malls, and other concerned individuals to identify the products and goods to be included in the list.

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List of  items and amounts that citizens or retailers may purchased per day

(Source: Valenzuela City Facebook Page)

Included among the items are essential pantry items such as canned goods, powdered milk, coffee, bread, eggs, sugar, and rice, as well as hygiene products such as soap and toilet paper. The notable inclusions in the list are products of particularly high demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic—rubbing alcohol, disinfectant, face masks, and vitamin supplements.

Copies of the list were posted within the premises of each establishment to inform consumers about the limitation on the goods and products that they are allowed to purchase during the COVID-19 pandemic. Violators of the ordinance will be penalized amounting to PHP 1,000 for the first offense; PHP 2,000 for the second offense; and PHP 3,000 and eight hours of community service for the third offense. Non-compliant business owners may face closure or revocation of their business permits.


The ordinance has been subject to constant review depending on the needs of the population and the circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Its implementation has largely coincided with the imposition of Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) protocols in Metro Manila.

As a result of its practicality and its fairness to all citizens affected by the pandemic, the ordinance has been replicated by Pasig City and other local government units.

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The revised list of items under the ordinance during its second implementation from 29 March 2021, to 12 April 2021 (Source: Valenzuela City Facebook Page)


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Special Session conducted on 12 March 2020 (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)

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Special Session conducted on 12 March 2020 (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)

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Special Session conducted on 12 March 2020 (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)


Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying Ordinance of Valenzuela City, City Ordinance No. 669. (2020).

City Government of Valenzuela (2020, March 12). Valenzuela City Imposes Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying Measures Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic.

Galupo, R. (2020, March 14). Valenzuela passes anti-panic buying ordinance. Philstar. 

Garcia, V. (2020, March 20). LOOK: Supermarkets in Pasig, Valenzuela comply with anti-panic buying, anti-hoarding ordinances. Inquirer.

Lolo, R. (2020, June 9). Valenzuela lifts hoarding, panic-buying ban. Tribune.

Niviera, A. (2021, March 28). Valenzuela City imposes anti-hoarding, anti-panic buying ordinance anew. Manila Bulletin.

Niviera, A. (2021, April 12). Valenzuela city lifts anti-hoarding, anti-panic buying ordinance. Manila Bulletin. 

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Baguio

Year Implemented:

21 March 2020-present


  • Management for Productivity, Quality, and Agility
  • Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

In response to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases in early March 2020, the City Government of Baguio enforced a systematic and efficient triage system for organizing and handling the various medical emergencies of its citizens.

Background and Problem

The COVID-19 pandemic has strained the carrying capacity of health systems throughout the world, resulting in overwhelmed and crowded medical and healthcare facilities. Local government units (LGUs) in the Philippines struggled to provide an effective response to the crisis, particularly in the earlier days of the outbreak. Identifying potential COVID-19 cases and organizing where patients go and what services they receive quickly became critical in addressing the citizens’ needs while attempting to control the spread of the virus, particularly among healthcare professionals.

Solution and Impact 

The Baguio LGU first set up a triage system on 21 March 2020, covering all health centers, the main Health Services Office, City Hall, and other city government workplaces. This has since been expanded to include the Baguio City Central Triage, checkpoint triages at the various entries into the city, and several other triage centers implemented with partners such as the Diocese of Baguio, Camp John Hay, and the Parkway Molecular Laboratory.

For outsiders entering the city such as returning Baguio residents (RBRs) and tourists, documents such as medical certificates, PNP-issued travel authorities, and Health Declaration Forms are required for entry through the system’s multiple checkpoint triages. Those with symptoms are escorted to the triage of their chosen hospital, while those without symptoms proceed to the Central Triage to be processed.


The triage system has been managing potential COVID-19 cases efficiently and effectively. Records show that out of 1,048 workers who entered the city from 7 to 27 May 2020, 11.9% were found to have pneumonia, tuberculosis, and heart problems, which are comorbidities associated with coronavirus. Having a network of triages has also a positive on the healthcare system as a whole, as testing backlogs at major hospitals such as the Benguet General Hospital and Medical Center have been minimized, allowing work to proceed with the mass testing of priority health workers and other virus-prone jobs such as drivers and vendors.

As of 26 October 2021, the Baguio LGU extended its medical triage to all fully vaccinated tourists entering the city, requiring the presentation of travel documents, VISITA registration, vaccination certification, and confirmed bookings with IATF-approved hotels. Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated adults and minors aged 12 to 17 must present negative results of an Antigen or RT-PCR test conducted within 72 hours before arrival or during health screening at the City Triage. Minors aged 11 and below may be tested with clearance from their accompanying parents or adult guardian.


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Requirements for Entry and Exit in Baguio (Source: Dr. Celia Flor Cascolan-Brillantes, MD, MPH, PHSAE, FPSVI)

Requirements upon entering Baguio City as of October 2021

(source: Public Information Office – Baguio City FB Page)

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Baguio City Central Triage (Source: Public Information Office – Baguio City)

A large group of people sitting in a large room
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Medical Triages for Outbound in PFVR Gymnasium and Athletic Bowl (Source: Dr. Celia Flor Cascolan-Brillantes, MD, MPH, PHSAE, FPSVI)


Cascolan-Brillantes, C. (2020, October 15). COVID-19: The Baguio experience. City Government of Baguio. [Presentation]

Catajan, M. (2020, May 20). Baguio City prepares for returning residents. Sunstar Baguio.

Geminiano, P. (2020, June 7). Baguio keeps strict quarantine checkpoints despite MGCQ. Philippine News Agency.

Public Information Office – City of Baguio. (2020, May 23). St. Vincent Central Triage – The city’s central triage had been set up at the St. Vincent gym along Naguilian Road 

[Status Update]. Facebook.

Public Information Office – City of Baguio. (2021, October 26) We now welcome FULLY VACCINATED tourists (except those from ECQ, MECQ, Levels 4 and 5 areas) 

[Status update] Facebook.

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Baguio

Year Implemented:

22 October 2020 – present


  • Management for Productivity, Quality, and Agility
  • Digitization & New Technologies
  • Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

Baguio VISITA (Visitor Information and Travel Assistance) is an online portal implemented by the City Government of Baguio aimed at jumpstarting tourism while also monitoring travel movement to ensure safety from COVID-19. 

Background and Problem

A significant portion of Baguio City’s revenue comes from tourism, as evidenced by its moniker “the Summer Capital of the Philippines.” The outbreak of COVID-19 was thus a devastating blow to the LGU, affecting not just local business but also the city’s capacity to respond to the healthcare crisis caused by the pandemic.

Solution and Impact 

To address the loss in tourism revenues and the negative effects to the tourism industry, the Baguio City Government crafted a recovery and resiliency plan to revive the local tourism economy, refreshed tourism products and services, and rejuvenate travel confidence through strategic innovations by utilizing digital platforms.

VISITA is an online registration system for Baguio tourists and travelers designed to regulate the entry and monitor the mobility of visitors through a ticketing system using a QR-coded Tourist Pass (QTP). It allows tourism to restart in the city while maintaining the city’s health and safety protocols, from the mandated triages up to digital check-ins for contact tracing. 

The web application features online registration for auto-regulation and real-time data analytics, QR-coded e-tickets as electronic identification, health data for contact tracing and contactless processes, safe and compliant tourism establishments and services listings for travel confidence, tourism establishments dashboard for empowered marketing, and tourist sites and services directory with a feedback mechanism for an empowered tourist experience. 

Visits to the city can be scheduled by filling up an online questionnaire at least one day before arrival. Additional requirements include a health declaration and a COVID-19 test which can be done before or upon arrival. After pre-registration and arrival at Baguio City, tourists pass through triage and are continuously monitored through VISITA.


The VISITA web portal has allowed the Baguio City Government to reopen the city to tourism, even conducting the 2020 Ibagiw Creative Festival from 6 to 29 November 2020. The City Government has also garnered support from the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Tourism Promotions Board (TPB). 

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) conferred Baguio City with the 2020 Business Friendly Award in recognition of VISITA’s success in addressing the impact of the pandemic to the city’s business community. The platform was also a finalist in the 2020 Digital Governance Awards of the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT). It was also featured as an example of good practice in promoting creative economy and e-commerce for tourism recovery by the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation.

Moving forward, VISITA will serve as the online portal for tourists even after the pandemic, serving as a personal guide and assistant when traveling to Baguio. It has been upgraded to include booking assistance, itinerary planning, payment of regulatory fees, and on-site assistance for events, services, connectivity, and emergencies.


“As with many places around the world, seeing the City devoid of tourists was very hard. Wanting to welcome them back and protect our residents at the same time, we turned to technology for the answer recognizing the efficiencies it could bring.” – Alec Mapalo, Division Head, Baguio City Tourism and Special Events office


Oracle Philippines x Baguio VISITA App (Source: Baguio VISITA website)

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Landing Page of the Baguio VISITA webpage. (Source: Baguio VISITA website)

Data on Approved Travels through the Baguio VISITA (Source: City Government of Baguio)

Tourism Establishments Dashboards through the Baguio VISITA (Source: City Government of Baguio)

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Consultation conducted by the City Government in the policy formulation (Source: City Government of Baguio)

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Publicity Poster of the Ridge & Reef: Baguio City-Region 1 Travel Corridor (Source: City Government of Baguio)


City Government of Baguio. (2020, December 14). Baguio VISITA: Visitor Information and Travel Assistance [Presentation]. Webinar on Innovation and Productivity Initiatives in the Public Sector, Zoom.

City Government of Baguio. (n.d.). What is Baguio VISITA?. City Government of Baguio.

Manila Bulletin. (2021, August 6). Oracle Cloud powers Baguio City’s VISITA Online Registration System [System Updates].

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Baguio

Year Implemented:

21 March 2020-present


Management for Productivity, Quality, and Agility, Digitization & New Technologies, and Productivity and Public Sector Data Measurement and Analysis

General Description

The EndCov-19 Tracking System implemented by the City Government of Baguio allows law enforcement and health authorities to monitor and manage COVID-19 cases in the city using automated data analysis in order to curb the rapid spread of the virus.

Background and Problem

Given the contagiousness of COVID-19, particularly before the development of vaccines, the identification and isolation of potential cases through contact tracing was the optimal way to prevent transmission. In the early months of the pandemic, local government units (LGUs) were tasked with establishing their own methods and systems for detecting and tracking the spread of the virus in their territories.

Solution and Impact 

Established on 21 March 2020,  the EndCov-19 Tracking System ( uses a case management analysis system to identify, isolate, test, and trace individuals that may have been exposed to the virus. Using the system’s dashboard, contact tracing staff can input data for real-time monitoring in order to establish a timeline for potential cases under observation. The system combines aggregate and case-based surveillance to report and track potentially infected individuals, provides a mechanism for following up on possible contact with known cases, and allows travelers who have visited high-risk areas to log health declaration forms.

The LGU’s City Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit (CESU) provides guidance in determining the possible source of infection and who might have been infected. These individuals will be subjected to tests, quarantine, or medical interventions. The system also uses QGIS Geospatial Analysis to map out trends in the spread of COVID-19 within the city. It generates a map of COVID-19 cases by overlaying it on affected localities, checkpoints, barangay health centers, hospitals, and other critical public areas, thus revealing possible patterns in exposure and infection.

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Dashboard of EndCov-19 Tracking System (Source:


In response to the increasing COVID-19 cases in the city, more than 160 contact tracers from DILG, Baguio City Police, Philippine Military Academy, and partner business process outsourcing (BPO) companies underwent training to enhance their skills and capacity to utilize the EndCov-19 Tracking System. The training covered the retooled contact tracing process flow, the legal aspects of contact tracing, the use of the case investigation form, the system’s analytical tools, and the decontamination and management of the deceased.

Photo of Covid-19 Contact Tracer Training (FB post of Public Information Office – City of Baguio)


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Geospatial data and information of COVID-19 case in Baguio City. (Source: Dr. Celia Flor Cascolan-Brillantes, MD, MPH, PHSAE, FPSVI)


Cabreza, V. (2020, May 28). ‘Out-of-the-box’ tracing helps Baguio contain COVID-19 spread.

City Government of Baguio. (n.d.). Covid-19 Monitor. eGov Baguio.

Department of Health. (2021, May). COVID-19 FAQS.,who%20has%20respiratory%20symptoms.

Local Government Academy (2020). Online Talakayan 9: Pioneering Ways in Fighting Covid-19: The Baguio City Contact Tracing and Detection Experience. L!stong Ugnayan, Covid-19 ay Labanan, Issue No. 6.

Public Information Office – City of Baguio. (2020, May 7). Contact Tracing: Baguio City’s E-system of COVID-19 tracking explained [Status Update]. Facebook.

Rola, A. (2020, April 8). Naming patients, mass testing key to Baguio City’s COVID-19 prevention – mayor. CNN Philippines.

Public Information Office – City of Baguio. (2021, September 12). 160 Contact Tracers undergo Training [Status Update]. Facebook.

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Valenzuela

Year Implemented:

23 March 2020 – 5 July 2020


Management for Productivity, Quality, and Agility, and Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

The City Government of Valenzuela implemented the Alagang Valenzuelano Food Voucher System to distribute food packs to its residents amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The vouchers include pertinent details such as the date, time, and place where it can be redeemed. 

Background and Problem

The lockdowns, hoarding, and supply chain issues caused by the COVID-19 has caused difficulties in procuring essential goods for a significant portion of the population. Community quarantines have affected businesses, with wage-earners struggling to find possible income sources to provide for their families.

Solution and Impact 

The Food Voucher System was developed to organize the distribution mechanism for food assistance employed by the local government unit (LGU). Through this system, LGU personnel are able to enforce social distancing protocols and avoid the transmission of COVID-19. To further eliminate the possibility of infection, residents must undergo temperature checks and sanitize their hands before receiving their food packs. 

The first wave of food vouchers that were targeted to accommodate 105,000 families. Health workers went door-to-door to distribute the food vouchers to low-income families, which make up almost 80% of the population of the city. Succeeding waves were expanded to include both low- and middle-income families, the elderly, as stranded workers affected by the lockdown in Metro Manila, and other vulnerable members of the community.

The food packs—which contained rice, noodles, sugar, canned goods, and energy drinks—were available to be claimed in any of the 24 emergency stations in the city.


The City Government supplied 581,901 food packs during the three waves of distribution, with every household in the city having been given at least one food pack. The food voucher system was also used for the Valenzuela City annual gift-giving program for senior citizens called Food Pack nina Lolo at Lola. A total of 55,466 senior citizens received the food packs which contained rice, canned goods, instant noodles, sugar, and a box of calcium carbonate tablets. 


“Mas okay ang food packs than pera, talagang kailangan mo kumain eh, para sa pamilya mo, at maraming makikinabang. Wala kaming problema kasi supportive sila, kasi ang trato nila sa amin ay parang we belong to the same family talaga. Ang saya sa pakiramdam kasi parang pamilya, lahat inaalagaan nila. [It is better to receive food packs rather than money because you and your family need to eat, and many people will benefit from this food voucher. We have no problem because the local government is supportive, and they treat us as part of their family. I’m feeling happy because they take care of us like their family.]” – Grace Almazan, Resident of Valenzuela City

“The voucher system is effective in ensuring all the residents will receive food packs.” – Emmanuel Espino, Barangay Chairman of Barangay Marulas, Valenzuela City


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Wave 2 Distribution of Food Vouchers to Valenzuelanos (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)

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Wave 3 Distribution of Food Vouchers to Valenzuelanos (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)


Alagang Valenzuelano Food Voucher (Source: Raffy Sison Santos Twitter Account)


Alagang Valenzuelano Food Pack (Source: Raffy Sison Santos Twitter Account)


Cerrudo, A. (2020, March 25). Valenzuela City implements food voucher system for food pack distribution. UNTV News and Rescue.

City Government of Valenzuela (2020, April 21). Alagang Valenzuelano Food Pack Distribution Now On Its Second Wave.

City Government of Valenzuela (2020, May 5). Valenzuela Answers Extended ECQ Woes with 3rd Wave of Food Voucher Distribution.

Gavilan, J. (2020, June 28). Valenzuela City’s pandemic response: ‘Everything has to happen now’.

Lolo, R (2020, July 4). 55,466 Valenzuela seniors to receive food packs. Tribune.

Santos, R. (2020, March 24). Food vouchers sinimulan nang ipamigay sa Valenzuela. ABS-CBN News.

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Valenzuela

Year Implemented:

29 March 2020 – present


Management for Productivity, Quality, and Agility, and Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

The Market on Wheels program, implemented by the City Government of Valenzuela in partnership with VALDECO Greenleaf Market, provides a means for citizens to purchase essential goods without having to leave their homes, thus ensuring their safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, while also generating livelihood opportunities for market vendors and tricycle operators.

Background and Problem

The lockdowns necessitated by the rapid spread of COVID-19 in Metro Manila during the first half of 2020 meant that access to markets, grocery stores, and malls was limited for most of the population. The demand for essential goods amidst the pandemic created the need to reestablish the flow of goods from sellers to consumers while enforcing safety protocols for both. This problem is exacerbated by the tight and narrow roads of Valenzuela, further limiting access particularly for inner city communities.

Solution and Impact 

The Valenzuela City Government replicated a similar program implemented in Pasig City, called Mobile Palengke, and tweaked it to adapt to the particular circumstances of their city. They employed electric tricycles or e-trikes, initially turned over to the local government unit (LGU) by the Department of Energy (DOE), to handle the transportation of goods to the hard to reach areas of the city and serve as mobile stores.

Commodities are organized into four groups: meat and poultry, seafood, fruits and vegetables, and grocery items. E-trikes are assigned to each commodity group, with supplies provided by vendors organized by the local market administrator. The LGU then coordinates with the barangays to identify the most ideal areas where the e-trikes will set up shop, with consideration given to the requirements of social distancing, adequate air circulation, and the ability to disinfect afterward. The barangays also provided peace and security assistance through the barangay tanods and ensured that the customers are exercising social distancing with one another. Finally, to ensure safety not only from the COVID-19 pandemic but also from bacteria and other viruses, the City Government’s Clean and Green Disinfection Team conducts surface disinfection at the closing of the market.


The Market on Wheels program has been institutionalized and has had multiple runs in venues throughout the city.



Valenzuela City’s Market on Wheels (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)


Aguarino, J. (2020, March 31). “Market on Wheels” Brings Fresh Veggies and Meat, Basic Goods Closer to Valenzuelanos. Official Website of the City Government of Valenzuela.

Hallare, K. (2020, March 28). Valenzuela emulates Pasig; launches own ‘market on wheels’. Inquirer.Net. 

Implementing Agency:

City Government of Valenzuela

Year Implemented:

29 May 2020 – present


Digitization & New Technologies, and Perspectives on Productivity, Governance, and Development

General Description

The PasaBUY Valenzuela City TODA Program, implemented by the City Government of Valenzuela, enables tricycle drivers to deliver goods and conduct purchases and transactions on behalf of customers through the mobile application platforms of private sector partners JoyRide and Happy Move PH.

Background and Problem

Around 70% of the total transportation trips in the National Capital Region (NCR) are commuter trips consisting of public transportation going to work and buying essential goods. In Valenzuela City, where the terrain features narrow roads and tight quarters, tricycles are a major mode of public transportation, with an estimated 8,000 tricycles within the city covering 40 routes organized through Tricycle Operators and Drivers’ Associations (TODAs). The livelihood of these tricycle drivers were significantly affected by the community quarantine protocols imposed by both national and local governments during the initial outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

Solution and Impact 

Through Ordinance No. 710, series of 2020, otherwise known as the PasaBUY sa TODA Ordinance, the City Government of Valenzuela signed a Memorandum of Agreement with JoyRide and Happy Move PH that would allow tricycle drivers in the city to use these mobile application platforms to receive bookings for purchasing goods or handling deliveries.

The City Government’s Local Economic and Investment Promotion Office helped jumpstart the transactions by providing funds to the tricycle drivers for the purchase of goods as well as a special uniform and identification card. The tricycle drivers, through their TODA presidents, were registered to the app’s platform and attended training for the use of the application for online bookings.

To avoid unfair competition, registered tricycle drivers may only accept delivery orders originating from within their respective TODA’s territory. The ordinance also sets fines ranging from Php 5,000 to Php 15,000 for market vendors who refuse to accept transactions with or provide services to accredited PasaBUY drivers. 


During the COVID-19 pandemic, the city government extended its program to include FoodPanda, an online food delivery service, which would benefit around 150 tricycle drivers.


“Malaking tulong talaga. Para hindi na rin kami pasanin ni Mayor. Itong nakakabyahe kami ng MECQ malaking bagay talaga, kumbaga ingat lang talaga, [It is really a big help. We will not add to Mayor’s burden anymore. It is a huge help that we can now operate during the MECQ, just always be careful].” – Luis Jugueta, Gen. T. De Leon-Ugong (GTU) TODA President

“Our contribution is basically; we aim to deliver the food at the doorstep of every homeowner. So ‘yun ‘yung ating pangako sa ating komunidad and iyan ‘yung aming tulong sa panahon ng pandemiya (This is our promise and this is our assistance to the community during the time of the pandemic).” – Leopoldo de Castro, Jr., Finance Director, Food Panda Philippines Incorporated (FPPI)


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Memorandum of Agreement Signing between City Government of Valenzuela and Food Panda 

(Source: City Government of Valenzuela)

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Publicity Materials for the PasaBVY Valenzuela City TODA  (Source: City Government of Valenzuela)


Kabagani, L. (2020, September 25). Valenzuela gov’t to train 150 trike riders on food delivery. Philippine News Agency.

Porciuncula, A. R. (2020, May 29). Tricycles for Online Booking PasaBuy? Valenzuela City Says “Why Not?”. Official Website of the City Government of Valenzuela.

Porciuncula, A. R. (2020, September 24). Valenzuela City Expands TODA Pasabuy System with foodpanda. Official Website of the City Government of Valenzuela.

Adonis, M. (2020, June 18). Valenzuela taps app to augment tricycle drivers’ income. Inquirer.Net.