As a part of the stock taking exercise initiated by the Integrated Digital Solutions (IDS) Group, a new dataset was created as an inventory of all WBG investments including large ICT/e-Gov components for governance/sector reforms since 1995. This global dataset includes the details of ICT investments in six categories, together with the cost, duration, and outcome ratings of completed activities, in addition to key project data extracted from the operations portal. The dataset was released in June 2015 and will be updated annually (last update in August 2015). This dataset can be used by all GPs and external users, to identify relevant projects in DG domain, search the contents of project documents (PAD, ICR, IEG review) using a user-defined taxonomy, and expand/customize the resulting data sets for various needs (operational support, project design, research, monitoring and quality assurance, training, etc.). The latest version of the DG Database presents the details of 1,129 investment lending projects funded by the WBG in 135 countries in all regions since 1995.