The Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP), the focal organization for the APO Center of Excellence on Public-Sector Productivity, continues its in-depth exploration of governance dynamics across APO member economies. In this edition, we delve into Nepal’s evolving public sector landscape. 

According to a World Bank Group press release dated 30 April 2024, Nepal has demonstrated a robust legislative and institutional framework for public financial management. However, the third Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) Performance Assessment Reports, launched in partnership with the Nepal Public Financial Management Multi-Donor Trust Fund—underscore the need for further reforms to strengthen fiscal outcomes and support green, resilient, and inclusive development. 

The reports reveal that Nepal has deployed a range of modern information systems and adheres to international standards in budget and accounts classification—ensuring accuracy and transparency in financial information. Budgets are now designed with a medium-term outlook, enhancing the predictability of resource availability for spending units. Furthermore, fiscal transfers to subnational governments are transparent and conform to established rules, while extensive internal and external audits reinforce accountability. 

The COE-PSP Factsheet for Nepal presents a concise yet comprehensive snapshot of the nation’s public sector, highlighting key metrics such as economic indicators, budget allocations, and public service performance. By synthesizing critical data on governance, fiscal management, and service delivery, this fact sheet offers invaluable insights into Nepal’s development priorities and challenges as it advances towards a more resilient and inclusive future. Explore the full profile here: