Eight government agencies completed the Upskilling Phase of the Development of Public Sector Productivity Specialists – Foundation Course (DPSPS-FC) held in Quezon City last 31 July to 4 August 2023.
This training program was hosted by the Development Academy of the Philippines, the focal and implementing organization of the country’s designation as the Center of Excellence on Public-Sector Productivity (COE-PSP).
Thirty-eight participants from various government agencies joined the event, including the Department of Labor and Employment Regional Office I, Department of Transportation, National Economic and Development Authority, Department of Education Regional Office XI, Department of Social Welfare and Development, Presidential Communications Office, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute, and the National Water Resources Board.
The training is designed to equip technical staff and officers of public-sector organizations with the knowledge and skills in measurement, analysis, planning, and troubleshooting to increase their respective organizations’ productivity.
The DPSPS-FC has four phases: Upskilling, Pitching, Pilot-testing and Coaching, and Knowledge and Experience Sharing Sessions.
The training course covered topics such as Understanding Productivity Concepts; Measuring Productivity in the Public Sector; Diagnosing and Analyzing Productivity; and Identifying Productivity Improvement Solutions.
Former DAP Center for Knowledge Management Vice President Ms. Elena Cruz, Asian Productivity Organization (APO) Productivity Expert Ms. Niña Estudillo, and DAP Resident Fellow Director Maria Rosario Ablan stood as resource persons. Aside from providing lectures, they also served as panelists for the participants’ proposals.

The conference sessions concluded with a presentation of various digitalization efforts of the Bureau of Internal Revenue – Information Systems Group. These innovations include:
- The Electronic Audited Financial Statements (eAFS), a web-based application financial system where clients can submit their audited financial statements, cutting cueing and time spent on face-to-face transactions;
- ONETT Tracking System (OTS), a time tracking system that ensures there won’t be delays in processing ONETT transactions;
- One-Time Transactions (ONETT), an internal server where all the data are secured;
- eONNETT, which is the client-end of the ONETT— user-friendly web-based application system for specific tax transactions outside of the audited financial statements (like the sale of real properties classified as capital and ordinary assets);
- ONEHUB, an employee engagement platform that uses Microsoft 365 for employees to be able to communicate across different departments and offices;
- The eAppointment System enables clients to book certain services and schedule appointments online for an ensured time slot.

At the end of the Upskilling lectures, the agency representatives shared their proposals with the Resource Persons – Panelists. The next step will be the online Pitching session, where the participants present their proposals to their agency heads.